Underused Housing Tax - Q&A Library
Gain full access to our library of 60 Q&A submitted by members of the CTM community!
Further to our webinar on the Underused Housing Tax, we received an overwhelming amount of detailed questions. Gain access to the full library of questions answered by our expert panel.
Access to video library of existing questions
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Evan Crocker
Canadian Tax Matters cannot provide professional services, and cannot provide tax opinions, legal opinions, or financial advice to any real-world client. Responses are opinions concerning hypothetical situations and must be considered in addition to the legislation and other official guidance, which should be expected to change over time. We make no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or applicability of any information and its usage is solely at the discretion of the user.
Each purchase enables you to ask one question which will be answered by a member of our expert panel. You may submit an additional question with each purchase.
After purchasing access to the UHT Q&A library you will be able to see all of the questions that have been asked. If your question has already been answered, great! You will have immediate access to the answer as well as the option to ask a new question.
We're aiming to record the answer to your question within three business days. Once the video reply has been uploaded you will receive an email notification.
We ask that you submit your question within one week of accessing the database. If more time is needed, please let us know.
Yes - the question and answer will be shared. Personal information such as your name or email will not be shared.
You will receive an email notification from our team that the video reply is available in the Q&A library.
It's common for legislation to change or for CRA to offer a new perspective. If you are looking for an updated reply to an existing question, a new question would need to be submitted.
To request a legal opinion, you may contact Moodys using the following links: https://moodysprivateclient.com/request-a-consultation/
CRA has announced the deadline to file has been extended from April 30, 2023 to October 31, 2023