
Canadian corporate and personal tax rates are constantly changing. Combine the complexity of Canada's tax system with elements such as the NERDTOH, ERDTOH, GRIP, CDA, employer health taxes, CPP, EI, marginal tax rates, along with the constant tax changes, client objectives, and future unknowns makes the tasks of remuneration planning especially tricky. In this session we will be reviewing tax rates across Canada in 2021 & 2022 and share which types of income are subject to under-integration or over-integration. We will also explain the details of the RDTOH accounts, potential traps, and how to optimize the types of dividends to pay when balances exist in both RDTOH accounts and GRIP. We'll also explore optimization strategies using salaries, dividends, capital gains strips, and the impacts on balances such as the AAII.

  • The principle of "Integration"

  • Tax rate update for 2021 & 2022

  • Integrated tax rates by province

  • Understanding and optimizing the NERDTOH and ERDTOH accounts

  • The impacts of the passive income grind to the small business deduction limit from adjusted aggregate investment income and province opt-outs

  • Opportunities to minimize the small business deduction grind

  • Salaries vs dividends vs capital gains optimization

  • Factors to consider when optimizing remuneration plans

  • Recent interpretations/bulletins of interest

  • Year-end tax planning recommendations

Guest Speaker

Kenneth Keung CPA, CA, CPA (CO, USA), TEP, CFP, MTAX, LLB

If credentials are any indication of Kenneth’s drive, the dizzying array of letters behind his name tells a convincing story. But his in-depth education and experience back one thing: a deep love of and commitment to tax. Finding creative tax solutions is his mantra, and he possesses the patient demeanour, broad perspective, and focus needed to take on any intellectual challenge in the tactical tax arena. Kenneth has built an increasingly successful professional career advising local and multinational enterprises and high net worth individuals with an upfront, transparent, and responsive approach. He is an active author, speaker and instructor for professional tax courses across Canada, including the CPA Canada’s In-Depth Tax Program. And yes, he has a life outside of work too. An avid musician, he plays piano, bass and bassoon, and in a previous life, produced original music for theatrical productions and an independent film. In true Kenneth fashion, he compares the composing process to tax planning – a synchronized course of creation, analysis and out-of-the-box ideas that work together in harmony to create a beautiful symphony of legal entities and corporate plans. With a tax virtuoso like Kenneth on your team, you can confidently waltz through the complexities of tax law, while finding opportunities you may not know existed.
Kenneth Keung

Also Included

  • FAQ

    Notifications of key tax developments related to the topic

  • Evergreen Webinar

    A complete recording of the session will be available

  • Professional Development

    Individuals that complete the quiz will receive a 1-hour PD certificate