Guest Speaker
Kenneth Keung CPA, CA, CPA (CO, USA), TEP, CFP, MTAX, LLB
If credentials are any indication of Kenneth’s drive, the dizzying array of letters behind his name tells a convincing story. But his in-depth education and experience back one thing: a deep love of and commitment to tax. Finding creative tax solutions is his mantra, and he possesses the patient demeanour, broad perspective, and focus needed to take on any intellectual challenge in the tactical tax arena.
Kenneth has built an increasingly successful professional career advising local and multinational enterprises and high net worth individuals with an upfront, transparent, and responsive approach. He is an active author, speaker and instructor for professional tax courses across Canada, including the CPA Canada’s In-Depth Tax Program. And yes, he has a life outside of work too. An avid musician, he plays piano, bass and bassoon, and in a previous life, produced original music for theatrical productions and an independent film. In true Kenneth fashion, he compares the composing process to tax planning – a synchronized course of creation, analysis and out-of-the-box ideas that work together in harmony to create a beautiful symphony of legal entities and corporate plans. With a tax virtuoso like Kenneth on your team, you can confidently waltz through the complexities of tax law, while finding opportunities you may not know existed.